we are moving to http://asufavillage.wordpress.com
see you there ;o)
life in aussie..
Dear all there,my family and I would like to share our experiences and memories in Aussie..you can comment it..and hope you enjoy it..
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Date:060410 (Tuesday)
Venue: KLIA
Time: 5.00am
Flight: MH140
The arrived time was 45 mins early than estimated one.What we did?We went to the toilet...lepaking..eating..just to ensure our family will wait for us when we out though...hahaha..
Approximately 6.30a.m. we went out...we saw all the family mmbers there...hooray!I saw my mom and family in law...I hugged my mom...we all cry happily...
the day fly away with chatting..loughing...
goodbye Oz..all the memories will be kept forever...the happiness, sadness, tiredness,sacrifice will be a history.
Officially, my family and I back in MALAYSIA....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sesungguhnya masa amat mencemburui kami...
hari2 terakhir di Australia dilalui dengan rasa cepat sekali...
minggu terakhir di Wollongong...jadual padat....
aktiviti mengemas masih tak habis....thesis pun masih betulkan itu ini...
nak angkat barang2 besar utk kosongkan umah...
pack n pos barang ke Malaysia...final inspection..submit thesis...
mcm tak sempat je nak p sydney sblum blk...jln2 kat darling harbour..opera house ...
sesungguhnya berkemas nak blk for good sgt memenatkan....:)
hari2 terakhir di Australia dilalui dengan rasa cepat sekali...
minggu terakhir di Wollongong...jadual padat....
aktiviti mengemas masih tak habis....thesis pun masih betulkan itu ini...
nak angkat barang2 besar utk kosongkan umah...
pack n pos barang ke Malaysia...final inspection..submit thesis...
mcm tak sempat je nak p sydney sblum blk...jln2 kat darling harbour..opera house ...
sesungguhnya berkemas nak blk for good sgt memenatkan....:)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Blog oh blog..Me now down giler!stress........
patut this week buleh abis lab..tp disebabkan 1 benda ni...nmpaknya kena la extend lg labwork...dah malas giler dah masuk lab..dah tak de hati....
dlm kepala skrg nak duk umah diam2..concentrate writing...
tp masih kena tungkus lumus dlm lab..
napa jadi cmni...aaa???
tell me why???why???
dugaan oh dugaan..aku nak menangis sebenarnya..tp airmata x nak kuar...
Ya Allah kuatkanla semangat ku..mudahkanla segalanya bgku disaat2 akhir ni...amin..
6 weeks to go before I can submit my thesis...:)
patut this week buleh abis lab..tp disebabkan 1 benda ni...nmpaknya kena la extend lg labwork...dah malas giler dah masuk lab..dah tak de hati....
dlm kepala skrg nak duk umah diam2..concentrate writing...
tp masih kena tungkus lumus dlm lab..
napa jadi cmni...aaa???
tell me why???why???
dugaan oh dugaan..aku nak menangis sebenarnya..tp airmata x nak kuar...
Ya Allah kuatkanla semangat ku..mudahkanla segalanya bgku disaat2 akhir ni...amin..
6 weeks to go before I can submit my thesis...:)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Aku belasah je tajuk entry ni...haha..
Citer pasal makan: tepat kul 4 td aku terpk nak buat donut.Ku bancuhla yis dgn air suam....dah siap bancuh tu br aku terpk nak tengok due date yis tu.Rupanya dah expired...alamak..So hajat nak buat donut terpaksa dibatalkan. Mula la aku godek2 almari..tengok apa yg ada..ada kacang hijau..maka siapla bubur kacang hijau....hehe..
Tengok2 lagi ada kacang tanah, terus teringat mee bandung...ayam ada..mee ada..Maka bermulala operasi ku menggoreng kacang tanah...dlm tgh duk menggoreng tu....rasa mcm nak mkn nasi impit plak..haha...Akhirnya...ku masak kuah kacang, nasi impit and ayam masak kicap..malas seh nak buat rendang..itula menu dinner kitaorg utk hari ini...
Citer pasal gigi: hari Isnin lepas merupakan hari bersejarah buat Aufa..buat pertama kalinya gigi susunya gugur. Lama gak gigi tu goyang..si Aufa duk asyik bising n tanya, bila gigi tu nak jatuh...masa makan dia rasa tak selesa sbb duk goyang2...susah nak kunyah..tanpa dia sangka disaat dia sarapan, pagi Isnin itu..giginya gugur!!!seronok dia....siap minta aku simpan lagi..sbb dia nak tunjuk kat daddy dia..kelakarnya gigi yg gugur itu terletak betul2 di tengah2 bwh...so klu dia bercakap or ketawa nmpakla rompong!!! masa awal2 lepas gigi tu gugur..Aufa bercakap dgn aku pun tutup mulut. "I don't want mummy see my tooth" katanya.hahahaha....so aku mula la pujuk dia. Aku kata gigi tu akan tumbuh lg...so tak perlula nak tutup2 bila bercakap...Dah dia start tanya bila nak tumbuh..asyik tanya je...Hari ni dia dah ok skit dah pasal gigi tu...lawakla Aufa.
Eh tajuk ni kira ok je kan..sbb nak makan perlukan gigi..gigi digunakan utk mengunyah makanan...kesimpulannya makan dan gigi saling berkaitan..:)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Boxing Day Madness'09
1st time I heard about boxing day, I've no idea what it is..My hubby,1st time he heard..he think about boxing@tinju..hahaha..
Boxing day is actually about box@kotak...or more recognised as sale day after the christmas sale.
Last year we went no where on boxing day..as we just arrived from Melbourne.
This year, we went to 2 places, Westfield Bondi Junction (26.12.09) and Berkenhead Point (27.12.09). We drove towards Sydney for those 2 days...
As a summary..There are so many people..crowded...so many branded items such as in Nine West ,Canterbury, Diana Ferrari, Guess, Levi's,Oroton (Australian brand),Perfume's shop and more in sale..As a result we were so tired..madness...hehe...ikut hati nak beli semua!!!
Above all, mummy, daddy and Aufa got a new stuff...yahooo!!!.....next year berboxing day di Malaysia pulak....
3pm..masih ramai org...dgr citer kat Sydney City org berkumpul seawal 6pm...
Hajat nak cuci mata dlm butik LV ni..tak kesampaian..tutup..mgkin esoknya(27.12.09) baru buka..
Pengunjung boxing day dr Malaysia yg kami jumpa...org terkenal kan..so kami kenalla..la..la.la..
Aufa yg sudah kebosanan..kepenatan..
Monday, December 21, 2009
2010 is around the corner!
2009 almost finished...
for me this coming long holiday is very important as I have a long time to be a full time writer..thesis writer actually..without thinking the labwork atleast almost for 2 weeks..is so cool if I'm writing a novel ..I can get money then..provided people want to buy my novel..hehe..but..what to do I'm a student!!
there still some labwork to be done (scheduled will be finished in January)....there are due dates to be fullfilled about the thesis chapter should be complete..so you can imagine how busy I am..
hopefully what were discuss and plan go well..but still I was reminded to apply the extention just in case I can't submit my thesis on 30 March 2010, I already have the sponsor to pay the fees then....mean I've to submit it from Malaysia.otherwise I'm here without the allowance of the living cost...but the goal is submit in March 2010!!!
The end of 2009...
Above all the study thing..I managed to go to Christchurch, NZ...what a beautiful place to visit...amazing scenery!!!
As the weather changes..cold to hot..then hot to cold again..windy..me and my family got a fever..cough..flue..3 in 1!!! Anyway, as a commitment we participated in another MAS gathering to celebrate the coming new year and farewell for those will be back to Malaysia for good ...
For the new year resolution, I personally want to finish my study..and we of course want to go back to our family and home country.Friends..pray for my success!!!
Enjoy the pics ..:)
Christchurch, NZ adventure....3-7 Dec'09

Art gallery and river punting...NZ..
Mount Cook NZ, one of the location for the box office movie, Lord of the Ring...

Menikmati keindahan Lake Tekapo,NZ...
MAS Gathering 20th Dec'09....
Menggayakan jersi Wallabies pd petang itu..hehe..
Aufa in cari gula2 dlm tepung...
Baling belon berisi air....
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