Dear all there,my family and I would like to share our experiences and memories in can comment it..and hope you enjoy it..
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
From my S/visor...
"Congratulations to all those who presented at the conference over the last 2 days – I received many favourable comments about your talks from people at the conference. Lidia received an Honourable Recommendation in the 2nd yr category and although she didn’t receive a prize, Meha was shortlisted in the 1st yr category. Ana and Suzi’s talks were also considered to be very good. So good work everyone".
Regards, Danielle
Dr Danielle Skropeta
Lecturer, Chem212 Coordinator
School of Chemistry
University of Wollongong
Wollongong NSW 2522 Australia
Boleh ke aku dapat cm Lidia tu..(Suzie berkata2 dalam hati)..
Monday, October 27, 2008
Berry Town

Booderee National Park
School Conference..
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Whales Watch

they all cakap ada lebih kurang 7 ekor paus hari tu..yg aku sempat tgk 2 ekor je..yg lain paus tu yg tgk aku hahahaha..padan muka aku..tapi memang tinggi nak kuwa usus perut rasanya..penin dah tahap maksima..kamera pun tak sempat nak snap..that's why tak sempat amik photo banyak2..suzi yg enjoy tgk semua whales2 tu...

Inilah kapal yg memabokkan aku ngan anak aku hehe

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Raise Your Voice-Someone's Watching Over Me
I found myself today,
Oh, I found myself and ran away,
But something pulled me back,
The voice of reason I forgot I had,
All I know is you’re not here to say,
What you always used to say,
But it’s written in the sky tonight,
So I won’t give up,
No, I won’t break down,
Sooner than it seems life turns around,
And I will be strong even if it all goes wrong,
When I’m standing in the dark I’ll still believe,
Someone’s watching over me.
[Verse 2]
I’ve seen that ray of light,
And it’s shinin’on my destiny,
Shining all the time,
And i won’t be afraid,
To follow everywhere it’s taking me,
All I know is yesterday is gone,
And right now I belong,
To this moment to my dreams
So, I won’t give up,
No, I won’t break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around,
And I will be strong even if it all goes wrong,
Cause when I’m standing in the dark
i’ll still believe
That someones watching over me
[Verse 3]
And it doesn’t matter what people say,
And it doesn’t matter how long it takes,
Believe in yourself and you’ll fly high,
And it only matters how true you are,
Be true to yourself and follow your heart.
So I won’t give up,
No, I won’t break down,
Sooner than it seems life turns around,
And I will be strong even if it all goes wrong,
’Cause when I’m standing in the dark
I’ll still believe,
That I won’t give up,
No I won’t break down,
Sooner than it seems life turns around,
And I will be strong even if it all goes wrong,
’Cause when I’m standing in the dark
I’ll still believe,
That someone’s watching over,
Somesones watching over,
hat someones watching over me,
Yeah, Yeah,Oh oh oh oh,oh oh oh oh,oh oh oh,oh,
Someone’s watching over me.
mohd sufri
Saya nak mencalonkan:
President: Abg Azizul Abd Rahman
Vice President: Azlan Ismail
Secretary: Atiqah
Treasurer: Suzilawati
Sekian, terima kasih
Malaysian Association Student(MAS) is planning to have the annual meeting..first agenda is to replace the committee..
ehem..ehem..tak sangka there is someone nominated me as a candidate..hehehe..
dia kata I ada bakat....ece wah...seronok pun ada..bukan apa blh dimasukkan dalam CV nnt klu betul2 terpilihla..
tapi ada sikit probla..sbb aku tak byk masa kat uni..aku banyak masa kat tpt lab aku..yg jauhnya 65km dr klu ada apa ke..kena ikut masa akula..hehehe...apa2 pun..wait and see...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Eid Almubarak
As conclusion, my family and I celebrate the Eid jovially in Oz...sampai ke hari ni..tak setitik pun airmata aku tumpah sbb raya berjauhan dgn family..telephone mediate dengar suara sumer..tukar2 citer..tak de la sedey2..
Juadah pun as good as in penggemar lemang, glutinous rice ada di jual..buluh je la takde...ketupat,nasi impit sbg pengganti..biskut2 raya..apa yg mmber2 buat..rasala sikit2..aku pun bukanla..suka mkn sgt biskut2 no worriesla!!!
Children..especially anak akula, Aufa..what I noticed they enjoyed theirself..mak bapak belikan gak baju raya, they play 'duit raya' as well..
Kureng best, kemana saja kami berkunjung..kami akan jumpa org yg sama!!!!hahahaha....muka2 tu jela....semangat persahabatan, perasaan muhibbah nampak sangatla antara semua...keluarga kawan2la keluarga kami di sini..
Above all, this is a precious memories...
Sepetang di Turkey
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Raya ke-4
Menu: nasi ayam, soto and mihun sup...
Desert: buah - buahan je..
Alhamdulillah ramai yg dapat dtg..wlpn aku penat and gusar..
mana taknya..smpai 3x aku masak nasi ayam..
Kalut aku n hsbnd...
smlm dr pg smpai ke mlm aku sakit gigi....
so byk benda hubby aku buat sorang..cian dia..
anyway many thank's to him..and of course kengkawan di wollongong ni yg memeriahkan rumah kami sempena raya ni..
Friday, October 3, 2008
3rd raya
tomorrow raya ke-4.They all nak serbu umah aku!!!
debar ni..duk pk2 cukup ke mknn nnt..sedap ke tak rasa...ehm..
Hari ni jugak our car masuk workshop..banyak benda nak kena ganti baru bleh renew roadtax la gitu..
peraturan yg bagus they all nak pastikan kereta yg renew rego yg akan ada atas jalan dalam keadaan sempurna n selamat..tapi kena ready duit la nak membayornya ..
mungkin M'sia jugak patut ikut peraturan cam gini..mungkin dapat kurangkan risiko kemalangan..mungkin...apa2 pun itu takdir Tuhan kan..tapi kita kena la berusaha kan..usaha kurangkan kemungkinan yg mungkin berlaku...just opinion...
2nd Day Raya in Oz
12.00 tghr - Jemputan hari raya dr orang-orang bujang Malaysia, bertemakan "raya sakan"
Memang raya sakan..makanan banyak giler!!!

6.30pm - Serbu rumah brother Musa..dia ni Navy..sempena celebrate birthday anak dia ( 5 years )...besar umah dia..tgh2 town lak tu..
9.00pm - Raya lagi dirumah Mr.Zaki & Nita yg terkenal dgn hidangan masakan barat..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Raya pertama di perantauan
6.00am - bersiap, sarapan pagi...bermaaf-maafan kami 3 beranak..isk..isk...
7.00am - drove to the hockey stadium ( approximately 1000 muslims ..berbagai bangsa, negara
tp 1 agama and 1 yg pasti pakaian org mesia paling best!!! berbaju melayu + sampin,kurung n kebaya )
7.45am - solat Eid Almubarak...takbir kat Oz ni takla mendayu2 sgt cm kat mesia..
Pak Arab in Aussie.Macam kat Mekah plak rasa.. hehe
9.30 am - Jamuan raya di Botanic Garden , Wollongong.
13.00 - Beraya pulak di rumah Khairol n sup.Ada tragedi Oktober nak citer ni... Masa kat Botanic Garden, Aufa tgh berdiri kat tpt pusing2 kat playground tu, then si Adam p pusing consequences, Aufa muntah kena kat Adam..therefore, both of them beraya pakai baju and sluar dlm je..hahahaha....
14.00- Makan laksa di rumah Faie & Kamal pulak...
15.30 - Telefon family di Kedah n Selangor..bermaaf-maafan melalui telefon aje la kan..
20.00 - Beraya lagi di rumah Zaidi n nasi arab & roti jala..
Agak meriah jugak beraya di Wollongong ni..dengar2nya tahun ni paling ramai rakyat M'sia kat sini that's why tahun ni paling meriah kut..apa2 pun tak sama la kan kemeriahan beraya kat M'sia.. budak2 enjoy jugak kat sini...hari yg seronok , penat n kenyang yang amat sangat hehe...