Dear all there,my family and I would like to share our experiences and memories in can comment it..and hope you enjoy it..
Monday, June 22, 2009
Unfortunate day
The series of unfortunate events:
1) Mr.hubby called and informed me that my wallet is in the car which is he drove to his workplace...means I don't have money with ID bank Uni card..
2) I took a wrong key house..oooh.. a bit lucky I've my phone with me (which is I always left at home when I took my son to school) I called my friend to take me to the house agent to take the spare key...
3) I've to leave AUD50..before I can get the key.So I borrowed from my friend...
4) Tried to open the door using the spare key several times...but it does'nt work...
Finally I went to my friend's house...there's no my stuff..she want to use the computer n what else I can do???...sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
4pm..I can enter in my hubby finish his work and came back early relief..otherwise I have to stay until 7pm..normally my hubby will come back around that time..
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today Suzi demam aku tak p keja hari ni..bawak dia p klinik. Doc cakap demam selsema need rest...Winter ni nak kasi peluh memang susah kalau dah demam camni..berlapis baju ngan slimut pun tak kebah2 jugak...esok dah nak kena gi Melb plak..
Wish u cepat sembuh my dear..InsyaAllah..amin...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Nasi Lemak Sambal Udang
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Nasi Arab..
Aku plak mengemas la apa yg patut..Selepas telefon mak di Malaysia, sbb hari ni merupakan majlis perkahwinan adik ku..emakku sambut menantu, aku pun memulakan operasi utk hidangan pilihan..bukan pilihan pun, permintaan dr hubby ialah ya habibi ya maulana..'Nasi arab' da..sebelum ni dia yg buat..aku tak pernah buat pun..
pkl 1.30 tghri..nasi dah masak tak blk lagi..perut aku n Aufa makanla kata "sedap and next time mummy cooking la lagi"..hehe..1st time setelah abis makan, hati ku berkata sendiri..mcm ada yg kurang..ler...bunga kobis tak bubuh..cmna la blh miss..ehm..nak buat cmna..dah siap next time try not to be missed again..
kepada yg ingin mencuba, boleh la guna resepi simple ni... (resepi from Kak Rohani :o)
Bahan 2:
1.bawang besar....potong dadu
2.garam masala
3.beras basmati
4.ayam ...goreng kunyit
5.terung .............goreng
6.bunga kobis....goreng
Cara :
tumis bwg besar + garam masala
dah garing...masukkan ayam, terung, bunga kobis, kentang..
pas tu masukkan beras (rendam dulu lam 1/2 jam)
masukkan air...n masuk garam sket..dah....